Durham College | Adventus.io
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Open Intake

January 2024


October 2023

Turnaround time

2 weeks

Why choose this institution?

  • High-quality education
  • A safe, vibrant campus environment
  • Easy commuting
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Durham College’s goal is to prepare students to find rewarding employment. Thanks to their expert faculty with extensive industry experience and leading educational resources, Durham’s alumni go on to successful careers in their chosen fields.

The College offers a variety of diploma-to-degree options through agreements with universities in Ontario and around the world, enabling students to pursue a university degree in less than the traditional amount of time. Also, students earn their degree without repeating select courses since pathway programs give credit for college study that can be used toward university credit.

Durham College’s Oshawa and Whitby campuses are located in a safe and secure setting that offers the best of country and city living, including access to a wide variety of shopping, sports and entertainment options.

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