University of Dundee |
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University of Dundee

Learn how Adventus Drive helped student recruitment manager Caroline Berry and her colleagues uncover market insights, increase brand visibility, and reduce non-genuine apps.

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  1. Access real-time data to uncover unexpected insights into student behaviour
  2. Online training webinars hosted by Adventus are well attended, with 100+ recruiters from diverse source markets
  3. Supported by a team with deep experience working within UK higher education and bring a deep understanding of the sector


Like many UK universities, Dundee has been swamped with high volumes of student applications. Unfortunately, with this rise in volume has come a rise in non-genuine or unsuitable student applications – creating a bottleneck for Dundee’s admissions team. Furthermore, as a mid-sized Scottish university, Dundee struggles with brand recognition, as even some people living in the South of UK have not heard of Dundee – both the city and the institution. Finally, the university lacks data to help position and market their courses to the right target audience.


By partnering with, Dundee is reaching new markets and uncovering previously unknown competitor data and student trends. This allows Dundee to proactively plan for its student intakes and market their courses to the right audience.

“We tend to compare ourselves a lot to other Scottish universities – but what some of the information has shown us is that a student might actually be choosing between Dundee and a university in London,” says Student Recruitment Manager, Caroline Berry. “So, for a student, geographical location in the UK may not be such an important factor as perhaps we might consider internally.”

Furthermore, Caroline appreciates that many of the team have experience working within UK higher education and bring a deep understanding of the sector. “They understand very well the kind of challenges and limitations that we might have – you don’t have to explain yourself too much.”

This understanding comes in handy when partnering to run online events that promote Dundee’s courses to thousands of recruiters in the marketplace.

Caroline says she’s reassured by the fact that only sends quality applications, easing the pressure on her team. “They do quite a lot of initial filtering, so we’re not just bombarded with stuff,” she says.


Being a part of the marketplace has led to better quality and more diverse applicants for Dundee. The quality shows in the application-to-offer rate: 80% for applicants for the 2021/22 year. Caroline says offer-to-matriculation – is 30% – also higher than Dundee’s global average.

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